Life Insurance

Thai Ad: Pathos At Its Best

This is a fairly lengthy advertisement, but bear with me, it’s worth it! So take a seat, grab a box of tissues, and prepare to be moved.

Okay, now that you’re situated, let’s chat…

This advert makes the viewer contemplate relationships in their own lives they may have taken for granted, people they may have resented for the wrong reasons, and negative attitudes that may have lead to less than positive results.

It taps into the viewers’ emotions by conveying an impactful, tragic story about a single father and a daughter, who is struggling with her father’s disability both on the inside and out.

What makes this ad so relatable is the atmosphere in which it is depicted. The every-day situations that unfold into a story of love, hardship, and sacrifice, make it memorable to the consumer.

We seem to forget that this is an ad at all, until the close when the viewer is reminded to purchase life insurance, and purchase life insurance they will!

I found this ad on Buzzfeed, surprise surprise: